Reflections by the Pond


Over the last twenty-eight years our devotional publication has gone through many changes. The first issue, in May of 1996, was a simple, one-page, text-only devotional published weekly via e-mail to subscribers. It is now full-color, multi-page, and published monthly—on the 15th—at our web site. It is available in three formats: two PDFs, one in portrait, for printing, and one in landscape, for easier viewing on screen.

April 2024 Issue

PDF suitable for PrintingPDF Suitable for on-screen Viewing

To read the text-only version of this issue, go here.

We are helpless against the weather. Heat and humidity, clouds and rain will come and go without effective intervention from us. But we are not helpless against the oppressive, cloying haze created by the world’s system—the “fog” that clouds our view of Christ. Let others have their sight dimmed; we can resolve to keep a clear and unobstructed gaze upon our Lord.

The two-fold purpose of Reflections by the Pond is to, first of all, bring glory and honor to God the Father and His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, and then to build up believers into a higher—and deeper—level of sanctification.

And by His grace we will.

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